About Us
ITCEN Co. is Iran's first privately held industrial consulting engineering company formed in 1977 in Tehran. During the past four decades, our company has enjoyed the full satisfaction of clients who believed it is logical to leave us the challenging and complicated projects. ITCEN Co. reputation is due to high quality, time-saving, and cost-efficient solutions offered by its engineers and experts. Our work instructions and experience let our projects to be completed in accordance with the premium International Standards.
ITCEN Co. has provided Engineering and EPC (Engineering, Procurement, and Construction) services for a wide range of industries which can be relied on to perform and deliver engineering and technical services as follow:
• Feasibility study basic and detail design, providing technical specification, supervising the construction operation, consulting services for installation, establishment, maintenance, reconstruction, inspection, control and management of projects, delivering engineering services to different projects including marine, oil & gas industries, chemical and petrochemical, mineral, steel and casting and non-metal inorganic industry and maintenance of industrial plants, equipment and machinery.
Grade A in railway.
Grade A in technical inspection proficiency.
Grade A in residential, administration, commercial, industrial and military buildings proficiency.
Grade B in Electrical and Mechanical Facilities.
Grade B in cellulose, chemical, conversion and complementary industries of agriculture, textile and polymer.
Grade C in Oil & Gas Refineries and Petrochemical Plants.
Grade C in basic metal industry (rolling, melting and casting) and machinery industry.
Grade C port construction and marine structures.
Grade B-2 in the field of feasibility with a license to operate in projects with:
o conventional technology without investment ceiling.
o complex and high technology with an investment ceiling of two hundred and fifty billion rials per project.
Specialty Field: Petrochemical Industry.
ITCEN Resume
Download the resume of the company here.